Wouldn’t job searching be so much easier if you could just swipe right on your dream job?
Though it seems unlikely that dating and job-seeking are alike, the two actually have a lot in common.
Finding “the one”– whether it’s your soulmate or your dream job – often comes down to being well-intentioned, open-minded, and, with luck, compatible.
Here are five rules of dating that you can also apply to your job search.
Chemistry matters
Even when everything looks good on paper, sometimes the relationship just doesn’t click. That’s when chemistry comes into play.
In order to find chemistry with a potential employer, you must first ask yourself some important questions to understand your personality, values, and career goals. Only then can you determine if the company’s mission, culture, and environment align with yours.
Get help from friends
Whether you’re looking for love or looking for work, who you know and more importantly who they know can make all the difference.
Over 70% of employees got their current job through networking – reason enough for you to get out there and get the coconut wireless going. Talk to your friends, family, neighbors, or even the lady you buy your coffee from every morning and let them know you’re looking for work.
Look beyond looks
Turns out tall, dark, and handsome aren’t the only things to look for in a partner. After all, relationships based on looks alone often lack the deep connection that most people seek.
The same can be said for jobseekers who only go after jobs with attractive companies without paying much attention to the position itself. As a result, they end up taking on roles that aren’t right for them. Image is important when evaluating a potential employer, but it shouldn’t be the only factor you consider when pursuing job opportunities.
Don’t rush in
As the popular Elvis Presley song reminds us, “only fools rush in.”
You probably shouldn’t commit to a relationship after just the first date and likewise shouldn’t jump at the first job offer you receive.
“Date around” the job market to see what other opportunities are out there before you accept a position. You’ll probably be spending 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year in this role, so you want to make sure that the duties, manager, coworkers, and workplace culture are right for you.
[Related: Multiple Job Offers? How to Decide What’s Best for You.]
Be desirable, not desperate
Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone who is willing to settle for anyone? Desperation is not attractive. An employer is not hiring you as a favor and your answer to the question “why should we hire you?” shouldn’t be “because I really need to pay my bills!”
Employers want candidates with self-worth and those who will add value to their company. In other words, you need to show an employer that they are losing out by not having you as part of their team.
Like dating, your job search will have its fair share of ups and downs. You might get your heart broken. You might lose a great job lead. You might get turned down by an employer.
But job searching doesn’t have to mean a trip to Heartbreak Hotel.
At ALTRES Staffing, one interview with us gives you access to hundreds of jobs not advertised anywhere else. Our goal is to not only find you work, but work that fits your skills, experience, and interests.

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Sign up for our monthly HIVE newsletter and get tips for finding a job, managing a business and advancing your career right in your inbox.
Wouldn’t job searching be so much easier if you could just swipe right on your dream job?
Though it seems unlikely that dating and job-seeking are alike, the two actually have a lot in common.
Finding “the one”– whether it’s your soulmate or your dream job – often comes down to being well-intentioned, open-minded, and, with luck, compatible.
Here are five rules of dating that you can also apply to your job search.
Chemistry matters
Even when everything looks good on paper, sometimes the relationship just doesn’t click. That’s when chemistry comes into play.
In order to find chemistry with a potential employer, you must first ask yourself some important questions to understand your personality, values, and career goals. Only then can you determine if the company’s mission, culture, and environment align with yours.
Get help from friends
Whether you’re looking for love or looking for work, who you know and more importantly who they know can make all the difference.
Over 70% of employees got their current job through networking – reason enough for you to get out there and get the coconut wireless going. Talk to your friends, family, neighbors, or even the lady you buy your coffee from every morning and let them know you’re looking for work.
Look beyond looks
Turns out tall, dark, and handsome aren’t the only things to look for in a partner. After all, relationships based on looks alone often lack the deep connection that most people seek.
The same can be said for jobseekers who only go after jobs with attractive companies without paying much attention to the position itself. As a result, they end up taking on roles that aren’t right for them. Image is important when evaluating a potential employer, but it shouldn’t be the only factor you consider when pursuing job opportunities.
Don’t rush in
As the popular Elvis Presley song reminds us, “only fools rush in.”
You probably shouldn’t commit to a relationship after just the first date and likewise shouldn’t jump at the first job offer you receive.
“Date around” the job market to see what other opportunities are out there before you accept a position. You’ll probably be spending 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year in this role, so you want to make sure that the duties, manager, coworkers, and workplace culture are right for you.
[Related: Multiple Job Offers? How to Decide What’s Best for You.]
Be desirable, not desperate
Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone who is willing to settle for anyone? Desperation is not attractive. An employer is not hiring you as a favor and your answer to the question “why should we hire you?” shouldn’t be “because I really need to pay my bills!”
Employers want candidates with self-worth and those who will add value to their company. In other words, you need to show an employer that they are losing out by not having you as part of their team.
Like dating, your job search will have its fair share of ups and downs. You might get your heart broken. You might lose a great job lead. You might get turned down by an employer.
But job searching doesn’t have to mean a trip to Heartbreak Hotel.
At ALTRES Staffing, one interview with us gives you access to hundreds of jobs not advertised anywhere else. Our goal is to not only find you work, but work that fits your skills, experience, and interests.
Sign up for our newsletter
Sign up for our monthly HIVE newsletter and get tips for finding a job, managing a business and advancing your career right in your inbox.