How to Recognize and Prevent Heat Related Illness
Heat kills. Every year workers die from heat stroke and thousands more are hospitalized for various types of heat stress. Worse yet, many heat-related deaths and illnesses are completely preventable. Learn more about what you can do to protect your workers from the heat.
Can You Discipline an Injured Worker Who Violates Safety Rules?
When an employee is injured while breaking a safety rule, employers often find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place—if it enforces its safety program, as encouraged by OSHA, it may put itself at risk for potential claims of discrimination. So, what does an employer do?
Tips for Reducing Workers’ Compensation Costs
Four simple tips to cut your workers’ compensation costs and reduce worksite injuries.
How Compliance Training Protects Your Business
Key topics that businesses should consider including as part of their compliance training program.
Tips for Developing an Internet Usage Policy
Why you should have an internet usage policy and tips for developing a policy that works for your business.
What We Can Learn About Workplace Safety from the NFL
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) don't just occur in the NFL. Here are a few things to consider as you develop a workplace injury prevention plan.
5 Tips for Not Getting Sued in Hawaii
Some of the most common reasons employers get sued in Hawaii
Can failure to adhere to OSHA laws and regulations be criminal?
As an employer, failure to adhere to safety standards and procedures in the workplace doesn’t just have the potential to result in hefty OSHA fines or civil suits, but as a recent spate of court cases has shown—you may even be held liable for criminal charges, as well.
Would OSHA Approve of Your Worksite First-Aid Kit?
When was the last time you checked your company’s first-aid kits? Are they fully stocked with supplies? Do you know where
Online shopping at work: Good or bad?
Make sure your business has a solid internet usage policy in place to manage online shopping at work.
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