Hawaiʻi Salary History Ban Law
How to talk salary without asking about salary history. What does the Equal Pay Act say and what does it mean for employers?
New Hire Onboarding Guide: How to Retain and Engage
A well-executed onboarding process helps retain and engage the superstar new employees you worked so hard to recruit. Here's how you do it.
Is Paying Your Employees Less Costing You More?
In Hawaii’s tight labor market, it is more cost-effective to retain an existing employee than it is to hire a new one. Increasing wages is one way to keep your best workers satisfied.
Costly Job Offer Letter Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Writing a job offer letter seems straightforward. But a small misstep in the job offer letter can create costly consequences for a company.
Tips for Evaluating a Candidate with Employment Gaps
Employment gaps aren’t always bad news. Here are a few things to consider when assessing an applicant with a gap in work history.
5 Signs You Hired the Wrong Employee
Did you know that bad hiring decisions account for more than 80 percent of employee turnover? Even if you’ve done your due diligence in verifying references, conducting interviews, and performing background checks, there will likely come a time when a bad hire slips through the cracks.
Handling Terminations Effectively
Employers who handle terminations effectively minimize damage to team morale and help protect the company from potential litigation.
How to Bridge the Skills Gap When Qualified Workers are Scarce
Skills shortages are creating hiring hurdles for local businesses seeking qualified employees.
When Should You Hire Someone Who’s Been Let Go?
Would you hire someone who was fired? Here are our tips and easy-to-use flowchart to determine whether to give someone a second chance.
How to Spot a Toxic Employee Before You Hire Them
As difficult as it is to find good workers in today’s labor market, weeding out toxic ones is just as challenging. Here are five things to consider when evaluating candidates for your positions.
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