Ask HR: “What are employer considerations when setting a dresscode?”
HR head-scratcher answered. Get expert insight on what a permissable dress code policy looks like!
How to Quickly Ramp up Your Team After a Crisis
Build the team you've always wanted and snatch up qualified candidates before your competition does by making sure the hiring process is fast and efficient.
How to Protect Your Business From a Hurricane
If your experience has taught you anything, it’s that relying on luck and good fortune is not a prudent way to run a business. Still, many business owners have a tendency to think that a disastrous event, like a hurricane, will never happen to them.
How to Rehire Laid Off Employees
In order to qualify for a PPP loan, businesses must rehire full-time employees and restore salary levels by Dec 31, 2020.
How to Build Resilience in Your Business With HR Outsourcing
When the economy takes a turn for the worse, businesses that can stabilize costs, lower risk, and increase productivity have a clear advantage.
Ask HR: “Am I responsible for paying my employees’ COBRA?”
Your employee lost their health coverage, now who is responsible for paying COBRA? Get an expert answer here.
Practical Tips for Communicating Layoffs
Tips for employers and managers to handle layoffs and cutbacks--before, during and after--with the utmost respect and professionalism.
Ask HR: “Can I hold employee wages?”
Can Hawaii employers hold employees' pay until business operations resume or they receive funding? Check out what HR has to say!
Ask HR: “Can I cut my employees’ wages during hard times?”
Wondering whether Hawaii employers are allowed to reduce wages during COVID-19? Get the expert answer here!
Alternative Options for Employees Losing Healthcare Coverage
Many Hawaii workers are losing their health coverage due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But there are some alternative low-cost or free healthcare options.
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