Costly Job Offer Letter Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Writing a job offer letter seems straightforward. But a small misstep in the job offer letter can create costly consequences for a company.
Handling Terminations Effectively
Employers who handle terminations effectively minimize damage to team morale and help protect the company from potential litigation.
Your Employee Handbook: What and What Not to Include
Handbooks that are carefully drafted, detailed, up-to-date, and tailored are a company’s first line of defense against litigation and liability.
5 Phrases to Avoid in Your Job Ad
Crafting the perfect job ad is tricky and even the most well-intentioned business could be using discriminatory and illegal language in their job ads.
Unpaid Internship Considerations for Employers
Employers may now have more flexibility to run unpaid internship programs.
Parental Leave Considerations for Employers
Explore the trends in paid parental leave, what the law says, and how to prepare for employee leave.
HR Trend: Romance in the Workplace is on the Rise
Proactive measures to ward off potential harassment claims often associated with office romance.
The Local Dynamics of Workplace Sexual Harassment
Hawaii's "local culture of silence" can lead to an underreporting of sexual harassment.
Can you Fire an Employee for Their Off Duty Behavior?
Examples of how an employee’s behavior off the clock can present challenges for employers.
What to do When a Job Candidate Presents a Medical Marijuana Card
Nothing in Hawaii's medical marijuana law requires that employers must accommodate an employee's use of medical marijuana in the workplace.
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